The Lie of Withholding

There is an interesting verse found in the book of Proverbs. One that I have spent a lot of time thinking about. One that I have quoted to God many times with a heart full of questions. “Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but desire fulfilled is a tree of life.” (Proverbs 13:12)

Some of my deepest questions for God have always been centered around delays. Did I hear from God correctly? If God promised He would provide, why don’t I see it happen? Why does God keep me waiting? The words of this proverb are so true. When we have a deep desire, seeing that desire come to pass brings hope and life. It fills us with joy. On the other hand, when we are anticipating and expecting something and it doesn’t happen, we are disappointed. Instead of experiencing growth and forward movement, we may find ourselves with a heavy heart and a weary soul.

In my season of waiting, the enemy is quick to enter in. Many times he has expressed the thought, God is holding out on you. The enemy wants me to believe that God is withholding His blessings and that if God really loved me and cared about me, He would give me the desires of my heart right now.

The thing about God is that His plans are much greater than mine. His ways are much better. His thoughts are so much higher. When I find myself in seasons of waiting, questioning, or even doubt I have to go back to the truth.

The enemy wants me to question God’s goodness, but the truth is God is working everything together for my good. (Romans 8:28)

The enemy wants me to run from God, but God wants me to find delight in Him. In fact, delight in God and cultivating faithfulness shapes our desires and is the key to seeing them fulfilled. (Psalm 37:3-4)

The enemy wants me to see the prosperity of wicked people and wonder if it is worth it to follow God, but God knows the end result. He can provide me with the whole picture. (Psalm 73:1-3,13-18)

The enemy wants me to wonder if God is able to fulfill His promise. The truth is God can do abundantly more than I can even begin to imagine. His love for each of us is beyond our ability to grasp and His unlimited power is at work within each of His children. (Ephesians 3:14-21)

The enemy wants me to see waiting as inherently bad, but God knows that waiting brings new, deeper strength to my life. (Isaiah 40:31)

The enemy wants me to believe trials indicate I am on the wrong path, but God uses challenging situations to build my character and prepare me for my future. (James 1:2-4)

While I don’t understand everything God does and at times I get weary in waiting, I have to choose to combat the enemy’s lie that God is withholding from me. Our God is a good God. He loves us deeply. Everything He does has a purpose. As it has been said, “when you can’t trust God’s hand, trust His heart.” The love of God runs so deep that He is willing to delay blessings in order to grow us. His love is so great that He will deny us in order to bless us in greater ways.

I recently heard Craig Groeschel say, “If God met all your expectations, He would never have the chance to exceed them.” What a great reminder! Today, I may not see what I want to see happen, but that does not mean God is incapable or unwilling, it means He has an even greater plan. While hope deferred today may make my heart weary or sick, ultimately God will bring about such wonderful things that my heart will be filled with life and hope. And knowing that truth should strengthen me today as I wait.

“For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways and My thoughts than your thoughts.”
Isaiah 55:9

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