Unexpected Places

I remember standing on the deck staring out at the mountains. I had recently decided to switch schools for my undergrad program and would begin classes in just a few weeks. As I looked out pondering my decision and praying over the future, a picture came to me. I sensed God was showing me that my life would be like a path weaving its way around to the top of a mountain – full of twists and turns. Even when the view would be hidden and the work would be hard, I could know that the pathway was leading upward.

Often I recall that mountain vision as life provides me with twists and turns. Following Jesus is not always easy. Some days it is really hard to see where the next step is and even harder to see the big picture.

Sometimes the favor of God will take us to unexpected places.

I have a temptation to think that when I follow God, it will produce very specific outcomes in my life, however, when it comes to the doors I think God will open, the destination I seek, or the provision I am hoping for, often things turn out very different than I have anticipated. But I have found that as I continue to walk with God, He is weaving together situations and circumstances in a way that is far beyond my ability to comprehend.

Let’s look at Esther’s example. Remember how the Bible describes her, “Esther found favor in the eyes of all who saw her.” (Esther 2:15 NASB) For Esther, the favor of God was simultaneous to challenges and uncertainty.

Esther’s situation was more than a little interesting. She was a pretty orphan girl who suddenly found herself in the running to be the next queen of Persia. At first, that doesn’t sound too bad, unless you think about what happened to the last queen. Queen Vashti stood up to the king and to protect his reputation and security of male leadership, Vashti was banished. (see Esther chapter 1)

When a search for the next queen began, Esther was taken along with many other young women and put in the care of a man name Hegai. Hegai led the women in a 12-month beautification process. Then at the end of this intense preparation, each young woman would go in one by one to see the king. The Bible doesn’t tell us exactly what happened, but it does let us know that this was an overnight visit and when each woman was finished she became part of a harem. Then she would remain in the harem unless the king “delighted in her and she was summoned by name.” (Esther 2:14)

This doesn’t exactly sound pleasant. Imagine the insecurities, worries, and fears this process would have stirred up. I am guessing Esther felt vulnerable and alone. Maybe she wondered if God forgot about her. Maybe she questioned God’s direction. We don’t really know. But what we do know is that God’s hand was with her.

Right in the middle of this foreign land, in the palace of an ungodly king, in the midst of a process that was definitely in defiance of God’s principles – God was working.

The favor of God took Esther to an unexpected place. He was setting the stage to rescue the Jewish people. He was putting Esther in the right location for a very specific purpose.

What about you? Does God have you in an unexpected place right now? Maybe a physical location or even in relationships, work opportunities, or personal challenges. Don’t allow the twists and turns of life convince you that God is not working.

Remember, what we learned last week about God’s favor? When we are looking to God and depending on Him, He promises to direct our steps. “Trust in the LORD with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight.” (Proverbs 3:5-6)

To see another example of when God’s favor led someone to an unexpected place, check out these blogs about the life of a man named Joseph.
Where Dreams Begin
The In Between
Going Backwards
Rising Above

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